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Rheumatology at Scarborough

The Scarborough Hospital rheumatology department offers consultation for diagnosis and management of various rheumatic conditions, both general and specialist. There are 3 consultants based within Scarborough, Bridlington and Malton Community Hospitals and a team of specialist nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and podiatrists.

We share a close working relationship with the rheumatology team at York Hospital.

We see patients with varying musculoskeletal problems, primarily managing patients with inflammatory arthritis.

Briefly these conditions include:-

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Other Spondylorthropathies
  • Connective Tissue Disorders
  • Osteoporosis (monthly)
  • Joint injection Clinics (weekly)

We also have musculoskeletal ultrasound assessment for patients in diagnosing early inflammatory arthritis.

A medical day unit is available on site for day procedures and treatment such as infusion for medications (IV bisphosphonate, IV biological therapies).

Specialist nurses clinics are run regularly for assessment of patients, counselling for disease modifying drugs, training for use of subcutaneous medications (methotrexate). The specialist nurses also operate a helpline service for patients and GPs and work closely with the medical and allied health care team in managing our patients. Multi-disciplinary team meetings are held weekly.

We look after inpatients with specific rheumatological conditions or complications often with close collaboration with our physician colleagues.

Our Rheumatology Services are provided at:

You can read more about the Rheumatology Team at York Hospital here.

Where to find us

Clinics are run at the main outpatients A & B.

Haworth Unit houses the day procedure medical unit, musculoskeletal ultrasound, joint injection clinics and DEXA scanner.

Lawrence Unit is a similar day procedure area at Bridlington Hospital.

Who to contact

Ourt team of secretaries can be contacted via switchboard for any specific queries not directly relating to outpatient appointments (which should be raised via the main hospital appointments office). Phone numbers can also be found here.

Further information

You may visit your GP if you have musculoskeletal or joint complaints/symptoms and depending on their assessment you may be referred to us for an opinion.

We also see patients from referral by other specialties.

At your first appointment, you will see one of the three consultants here in a ‘general’ clinic. You will usually undergo blood tests and possibly x-rays if needed. We advice you to bring a fresh urine sample if on your first visit.

Following your first assessment you may be discharged back to your GP with a diagnosis and management plan or you may be offered further appointments with a member of the rheumatology team.

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Useful links

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Scarborough Hospital

Dexa Scanner


Internal hospital signage with arrows to Main Reception, Outpatients and Pharmacy

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