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What we do

The Rheumatology Team at York Hospital provide a comprehensive range of general and specialist rheumatology clinical services to the population of York and North Yorkshire for patients with arthritis and other musculoskeletal health problems.

This involves in-patient hospital care at York Hospital and out-patient clinics at York and Selby Hospitals delivered by all members of our multidisciplinary team.

The Rheumatology Team comprises members from different specialist backgrounds who work together to deliver the best possible care for our patients.

The Consultant has overall responsibility for assessing and managing your rheumatology care. This couldn't be done without out the help of the wider multidisciplinary team. Within the medical team are junior doctors, including a Specialist Trainee and Core Medical Trainee in Rheumatology, who may conduct your consultation or administer treatment, under the supervision of the consultant.

The Specialist Nurses provide a key role in assessing and monitoring patients on a range of drug therapies as well as providing expert advice and information on all aspects of musculoskeletal health. They are also the first point of contact via our Rheumatology telephone advice line and email service.

You may be referred for assessment and treatment by other members of the Rheumatology Team including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and podiatry. We also run joint injection clinics and assess patients and administer a range of day-case treatments on the Medical Elective Suite at York Hospital.

Other important members of the department include our rheumatology pharmacist, secretarial, administrative and research staff.

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