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“I started my nursing career a cadet at the County Hospital, after attending pre-nursing school at Marygate Nursing College, where we learned academic studies and along with practical work experience.

"I was brought up on a farm (I originally wanted to be a vet!) and my parents installed a strong work ethic in me from a young age.  My mother always taught me to never ask people to do something you aren’t willing to do yourself - and this stays with me to this day.

"I love working on the elderly ward, although it can be hard, so you really do need a passion for elderly people.  Many patients have no family, so for many we are their only friend and comfort.  It’s important to remember that all these patients have lived a life; as such it is a pleasure and an honour to hear their stories and share their memories with them.

"I remember years ago, we often wouldn’t discharge a patient at Christmas if we thought they were going home to be alone.  Staying with us, even though they didn’t need to be here, meant they would have a Christmas with ‘friends’ around them.  How times change!

"The patient I will always remember come into the ward a few years ago with severe depression.  Many thought she was end of life but through ECT treatment she eventually was able to walk out the door and on with her life.  I honestly know the experience was life changing for us both and we both shed tears the day she left.

"I work with a fantastic team and I am blessed to be surrounded by a strong and wonderful family who are proud of what I do.  My 25 year long service photograph takes pride of place in my parent’s home under their 60th Wedding Anniversary letter from the Queen.”

26 March 2018

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