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News & media

Showing 0 to 10 of 90

Staff posing with artwork created at the Cultural Awareness Day.

Cultural Awareness Day 2024: celebrating the diversity of NHS staff 9 September 2024

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Team members from York Special Care Babies Unit.

York Special Care Baby Unit Support Group celebrates 40 years 1 August 2024

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Have your say on changes to York’s sexual health service 16 July 2024

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Scarborough UECC team with their award.

Scarborough Team crowned as top collaborators 15 July 2024

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NHS staff standing together behind giant letters that spell NHS.

Proud East Coast NHS staff clock up years of service 28 June 2024

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Research Midwife Marie Home posing with new mum Danielle Woodward and her baby son Leif. Danielle is sitting in a hospital bed, holding Leif, while Marie stands alongside them in her work scrubs.

NHS staff reach milestone achievement on baby research 25 June 2024

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Staff and volunteers gathered together for a group photo in the palliative care room.

New palliative care room opens at Selby Hospital 24 June 2024

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UECC_Group photo of staff tour

New Urgent and Emergency Care Centre at Scarborough Hospital to host visitor tours 20 June 2024

New Urgent and Emergency Care Centre at Scarborough Hospital to host visitor tours

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Staff sitting together around a table at a Long Service event.

Proud York NHS staff clock up years of service 12 June 2024

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Graham Walker, a volunteer at York's ED, on a day off in the countryside. He is wearing a cap and striped polo shirt.

NHS hospital volunteers: celebrating 40 years of National Volunteers' Week 3 June 2024

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A receptionist at an information stand reading some paperwork

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