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Our services


Anaesthetists are doctors with specialist training.  They are experts in looking after all patients around the time of; surgical operations, child-birth, critical illness and conditions which cause acute and chronic pain.

What we do

Anaesthetists give expert care to surgical patients by:

  • assessing your fitness for anaesthesia and surgery
  • optimising your general condition
  • caring safely for you through operations and managing your operation pain and other health problems.

Your anaesthetist will see you before your operation and talk about all aspects of your anaesthetic with you.  They will be with you throughout your operation and make sure you are comfortable afterwards.  They also look after patients in our Intensive Care Unit should you need extra support after your operation.

Contact information

For general enquiries email: or telephone 01904 725398

York Hospital contact:

  • Ward 27 surgical admissions 01904 726001
  • Day Unit surgical admissions 01904 726010

Scarborough Hospital contact:

  • Day surgery 01723 342209

Bridlington Hospital contact:

  • Short stay and day surgery 01262 423134
  • Orthopaedic surgery 01262 423110

Information leaflets and resources

Visit our patient information leaflets pages to view and download more information on:

Additional resources

Contact us

For general enquiries telephone: 01904 725398

A receptionist at an information stand reading some paperwork

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Delays travelling to and from York Hospital

Repairs to damaged pipes under Wigginton Road outside York Hospital will continue until further notice. This work by Yorkshire Water will cause major delays and significant traffic disruption for patients, suppliers and hospital visitors.

If you think that you may be late for a hospital appointment, please let us know as soon as you can, using the number on your appointment invitation. We strongly advise allowing extra time for your journeys to and from the hospital, whether driving, or using taxis and local buses