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Our services

IBD specialist nurse team

The IBD nursing service aims to provide patients with information and support, allowing for self-management where appropriate, while providing prompt access to advice, care and treatment as a priority.

This is achieved in a variety of ways including:

  • supporting patients at the time of diagnosis and providing on-going support
  • providing patient education
  • providing counselling and monitoring for medications
  • co-ordinating care and referring to other health professionals as required.

The IBD Specialist Nurses in York offer an expert service and work closely with the Gastroenterology Consultants and other members of the Multidisciplinary team to manage a caseload of patients and will:

  • review patients in clinic to assess disease activity and response to medications, change treatment where indicated and provide on-going education and support
  • provide advice by telephone or email to patients and other health professionals
  • assess, monitor and support patients receiving disease modifying and biologic therapies
  • refer to and liaise with other health professionals as required
  • provide a link between hospital and community services.

The IBD Specialist Nurses in York aim to deliver a continually evolving service for inpatients and outpatients with inflammatory bowel disease by:

  • working locally, regionally and nationally to develop the role as indicated by current and emerging evidence base, providing advanced nursing expertise and leadership at strategic level
  • delivering appropriate training and teaching for healthcare professionals within the hospital.
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