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Laboratory Medicine

Point of Care Testing (POCT) / POCT Community Support

Community Support


Contact Information

If your query is urgent, do call us. If we are unable to answer, please leave a message with your name and location and we will get back to you: 

Key Contact



Paul Maloney

Community POCT AP

(01904 72) 5294


(01904 72) 5890


Useful Documents

  • Glucose Performa Meter Standard Operating Procedure (PC-SOP-PERFORMA)
  • Glucose Performa Meter User Manual: Click Here
  • Link Trainer Guide- Key points for Performa Glucose meters  (PC/INF/YS-7)

Recertification is due every two years, this is completed via learning hub. 

  • Please complete the e-learning package on the learning hub called 'Accuchek Performa'

Web page 74 Last update 28/06/2024

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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