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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Urine Sodium

Urine Sodium

24 hour container, urine monovette or white topped universal (no additives)

TestUrine Sodium
Common AbbreviationsUSOD, USODR
ProfileUrine Urea and Electrolytes
Tube type24 hour container, urine monovette or white topped universal (no additives)
Clinical IndicationUrinary sodium, together with assessment of volume status, is useful in the differential diagnosis of hyponatramia. Urinary sodium levels are also frequently ordered during the workup of acute renal failure with the fractional excretion of sodium used as an important marker in distinguishing pre-renal from post-renal failure. A urinary sodium of <20mmol/L in a dehydrated patient is consistentwith functional renal tubules which will respond to rehydration whilst a urinary sodium of >20mmol/L (typically >50mmol/L) in conjunction with a low/normal urea and/or urate is indicative of SIADH. It is also used to monitor compliance with a low salt diet in hypertensive patients.
Specimen TypeUrine
Sample typeRandom or 24 Hour Urine
Minimum Volume1mL
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
Stability45 days at 2-25°C
Turnaround TimeInpatient: 6 hours Outpatient/ GP: 24 hours
LaboratoryYork and Scarborough
Reference Interval40 - 250 mmol/24hours Reference range for random urine not available. Result should be interpreted in conjunction with serum result.
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