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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Urine Steroid Profile

Urine Steroid Profile

Plain Universal or 24 Hour Urine Container

TestUrine Steroid Profile
Common AbbreviationsUSTE
Tube typePlain Universal or 24 Hour Urine Container
Clinical IndicationUsed for the identification of inborn errors of steroid metabolism. Other uses include investigation of steroid metabolism in non-endocrine disease (e.g. liver disease) and of effects of drugs, herbal remedies and ilegal substances.
Specimen TypeUrine
Sample typeRandom or 24 Hour Urine
Minimum Volume20mL
Special PrecautionsSample should be collected prior to starting steroid or electrolyte replacement. Send a completed request form with the sample, which can be found at
StabilityContact Referral Laboratory
Turnaround Time2 - 3 weeks
LaboratoryKings College Hospital Denmark Hill London SE5 9RS 020 3299 4126
Reference IntervalContact Referral Laboratory
LimitationsContact Referral Laboratory
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