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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Platelet multimers

Platelet multimers

Citrated Plasma

TestPlatelet multimers
Common AbbreviationsPVM
Clinical IndicationThe patten of Von Willebrand multimers present in a patients plasma aid in the sub-classification of Von Willebrands diseaseTo investigate Von Willebrands disease. Completed after abnormal results have been obtained for a patient by immunological or functional Von Willebrands assays.
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeCitrated Plasma
Minimum Volume2 x 3mL (adult) 2x 1mL (paed)
Special PrecautionsPlease discuss with Consultant Haematologists in the first instance.
Stability4-6 hours
Turnaround Time28 days
LaboratoryRoyal Hallamshire Hospital Sheffield
Reference IntervalIssued with final report
Additional Information
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