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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Ristocetin Induced Platelet Aggregation

Ristocetin Induced Platelet Aggregation

Citrated Plasma

TestRistocetin Induced Platelet Aggregation
Common AbbreviationsRIPA
Clinical IndicationRistocetin induced aggregation is a platelet funtion test that is used to screen for and sub-type Von Willebrands disease. Only performed after initial investigations of vWD
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeCitrated Plasma
Minimum Volume1 x 3mL (adult) 1 x 1mL (paed)
Special PrecautionsPlease discuss with Consultant Haematologists in the first instance. Must be prearranged with Haemophilia Nurse prior to appointment and samples taken. Hand delivery to the Coagulation Lab before 10am
Stability4 hrs (unspun)
Turnaround Time2-3 days
LaboratorySLM Haematology Laboratory Leeds St James University Hospital
Reference IntervalIssued with final report
Additional Information
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