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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Intrinsic Factor Antibody

Intrinsic Factor Antibody

Brown clotted serum, gel barrier

TestIntrinsic Factor Antibody
Common AbbreviationsIFA
Clinical IndicationFound in up to 75% of patient's with pernious anaemia
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeSerum
Minimum Volume5 ml
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
StabilityStability studies ongoing. Antibodies in serum are typically stable for at least 7 days when stored between 2-8 degrees. Sample stable for longer stored at -20 degrees
Turnaround Time7 days
LaboratoryHull Royal Infirmary, Anlaby Road, Hull HU3 2JZ
Reference IntervalNegative/Equivocal/Positive
LimitationsThe assay should not be performed on grossly haemolysed or grossly lipaemic samples. Only serum samples will be accepted
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