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Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2017 @ 22:23 by Keith Lamb

Can anybody please help me.  I am the 65 year old  husband of a lovely 61 year old lady who does not want to worry me over her diabetes. She is type one, on insulin injections 5 times a day. She does try to manage her diabetes but has had several hypo's recently. (She does see her diabetic nurse but that doesn't help educate me in any way).  The last one left me in a bit of a panic.  We were on holiday and I was actually recovering from surgery and could not drive (legally).  I had to drive home!  Anyway, I needed to get her to where she felt safe so that was my priority. I did give her a drink of sweet tea and a mars bar.  As well as her dextrose sweets/tablets. I need to be more confident in what to do so as to reassure her too.  She is my absolute priority so PLEASE can anybody point me in the direction of some sort of course/education so that I can help her.  I tried a while ago but then got complacent.  BIG mistake.   Any advice or help would be appreciated so much. I'm not asking for myself, I just want to help a most wonderful woman.Thank you so much for reading this.  Kind regards, Keith

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