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Our services

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What we do

The hepatology service specialises in the investigation and treatment of all types of liver disease, including viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and rarer conditions, including those patients who have received or require liver transplantation. We work closely with family doctors and other specialists to detect and manage liver disorders and, when necessary, refer to either Leeds or Newcastle for services such as liver transplantation, liver surgery, and liver cancer.

Inpatients with liver disease are managed on ward 36 in York Hospital and there are daycase paracentesis and venesection services established around the region. We hold clinics in Scarborough, Selby, and York. All clinics have disabled access and links to language services where required. We offer virtual clinics as well as face-to-face appointments. We have a community-based viral hepatitis service, dedicated clinics for conditions such as autoimmune liver disease, cirrhosis surveillance and liver transplantation and a weekly discussion forum where all complex cases are discussed with the entire clinical team.

As a teaching hospital, we are actively involved in the training of healthcare students, doctors in training, and specialists from around the region. We actively participate in national and international clinical trials and our patients may be approached to take part.

Patient referral

Patients can be referred to our service via a GP, hospital doctor, or other healthcare professionals.

Once referred, we will arrange an appointment at the clinic most suitable. We may send you blood request forms for completion before the appointment.  Scans or other investigations will occasionally be arranged before your appointment so the results can be discussed at the appointment.

Your appointment

Before the appointment

It is important that you have all relevant blood tests before your first appointment with the hepatology Service. Please ask your GP or the healthcare worker referring you to ensure that bloods are taken to help speed up your referral.

Make sure you know where your appointment is taking place. You can find more information on the our hospitals page.

During the appointment

Depending on your referral and requirements, you will be allocated to the appropriate clinic, led by either a specialist consultant, registrar, nurse, or fibroscan operator. You may have a fibroscan (which checks liver density) and a physical assessment (which includes a member of staff feeling your abdomen and checking your blood pressure and weight). Blood tests may also be required.

Inpatient care

At York Hospital, those requiring inpatient treatment will be cared for on Ward 36. 

Patients at Scarborough are cared for by the medical and gastroenterology team and can be transferred to York Hospital for specialist hepatology care if needed.

See useful information about coming into hospital.

Contact us

Meet the team

Our team of hepatologists works closely with surgeons, radiologists, and oncologists to provide the best service and outcome for our liver patients. Click here to visit the hepatology team page.

Donating to the York hepatology service

Donations can be made to York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Charity and donors can specify that the money goes to the hepatology service. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Currently we require funding for: 

  • Purchasing patient information leaflets from the British Liver Trust leaflets
  • Setting up and maintaining a patient support group for patients with Liver Disease; 
  • Buying new essential equipment for patients with Liver Disease.

For any further details regarding making a donation, or organising an event to raise funds for the hepatology service, visit the charity webpage.

Patient information leaflets

  • ERCP leaflet
  • Fibroscan leaflet
  • Liver biopsy leaflet

Useful links

Visit our page of useful links for further information you may find helpful.

Patient support group

We are very keen to set up a patient support group and would welcome any support. If you can help in any way, please contact the hepatology administration team on 01904 725622 or email

More information on national support groups can be found here.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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