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Meet the team

Name Contact Main areas of interest Additional roles 

Nick Carrington


Helen Stilborn

01904 725940

Specialist in routine, complex and revision hip replacement

Specialist in knee replacement

Specialist in treating general trauma and injuries

Trauma and Orthopaedics

Invited faculty for surgeon training meetings in hip replacement

Lectures for HYMS

Jon Livesey


Sally Lane

01723 385271

Special interest in elective shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand problems and general trauma


Ken Mannan


Alison Blackborrow

01723 342121

Specialist arthroplasty of the hip, knee and ankle

Specialist in sports injuries, degenerative problems and deformity of the foot and ankle

Specialist in joint disease in the lower limb

Specialist in treating general trauma and injuries


Sector Tutor for Orthopaedic trainees

College tutor for Orthopaedics

Educational and Clinical SupervisorFracture of Neck of Femur lead

Simon Boyle


Wendy Young

01904 724081

Specialist in shoulder and elbow disorders

Specialist in shoulder pain, rotator cuff tears, impingement

Specialist in shoulder instability, dislocations and arthritis

Specialist in elbow pain

Specialist in treating general trauma and injuries

Clinical SupervisorEducational SupervisorLead for Morbidity and Mortality for Orthopaedics

Adnan Faraj


Sally Lane

01723 385271

Specialist in foot and ankle surgery

Specialist in treating general trauma and injuries

Primary hip replacement

Knee arthroscopy

Deputy Clinical Director

Nick Evans


Gill Eaton

01723 342476

Specialist knee surgery including arthroscopy and arthroplasty

Soft tissue reconstruction

HYMS Clinical Tutor

Robert Marsh


Elizabeth Whiting

01262 423171

Specialist in hip and knee disease

Specialist in primary and revision hip

Specialist in knee replacement surgery

Specialist in major and general trauma management and lower limb trauma surgery

Clinical Lead for major trauma at Scarborough

Educational supervisor to specialist trainees 

Mark Andrews


Alison Blackborrow

01723 342121

Specialist in routine, complex and revision hip replacement

Anterior Approach

Total Hip Replacement

Bone Preserving (Mini Stem)

Total Hip Replacement

Specialist in knee replacement

Specialist in treating general trauma and injuries


James C Stanley


Tracey Guy

01904 725981

Specialist in foot and ankle surgery

Specialist in sports injury

Specialist in treating general trauma and injuries

Sector tutor representation for the Yorkshire Deanery

Educationalist postgraduate and orthopaedic medical school tutor

Clinical and educational supervisor for junior and middle grade doctors

Diabetic foot surgical lead in orthopaedicsRepresentation for local negotiating committee

Author in European surgical orthopaedics and traumatology text book

David Cash 


Linda Hand 01723 236163 

Bridget Chappel (York)

01904 725844

Specialist in hip and knee replacement surgery, knee arthroscopy, second opinions for painful knee replacements, infected joint replacements

Audit and Governance Lead

Lead for painful knee arthroplasty service for Bridlington/Scarborough Hospital

  Anthony Maury


Tracey Guy

01904 725981

Specialist in routine, complex and revision hip replacement

Specialist in treating general trauma and injuries


  Sunil Pai


Bridget Chappell

01904 725844

Primary and revision hip replacementPrimary total and partial knee replacement

Knee Arthroscopy

General Trauma

Clinical Tutor at Hull-York Medical School Lead surgeon for fractured neck of femur services

  Adam Budgen


Michelle Livesey

01904 725662



  Sunil Auplish


Liz Whiting (Bridlington)

01262 423171

Kay Malarkey (York)

01904 726878

Specialist in open and arthroscopic (Keyhole) surgery of the Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand

Specialist in treating general trauma and injuries

Clinical Lead of Orthopaedic Trauma

Supervisor for Orthopaedic Core Trainee Doctors

  Charlie Jowett


Michelle Livesey

01904 725662



 Ed Britton


Kay Malarkey

01904 726878

Specialist in hip and knee replacement surgery

Hip arthroscopy

Knee arthroscopySpecialist in treating general trauma and injuries

Clinical lead across sites for Virtual Fracture Clinic

Spiros Stavropoulos

Spiros Stavropoulos


Gill Eaton

                      01723 342476

Specialist in hand/upper limb surgery, general trauma and wide awake local anaesthetic no tourniquet surgery (WALANT)

Upper limb consultant on the East Coast 

Ahmed Eid


Sally Lane

01723 385271


Alison Blackborrow

01723 342121

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