In this section
Physiotherapy at York
Please follow the links below for more information about our services:
- Combined therapy service for children and young people
- Musculo-skeletal (MSK) outpatient physiotherapy service
- Neurosciences physiotherapy team
- Pelvic health physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy to the community rehabilitation hospitals for the elderly
- Physiotherapy in cardiac rehabilitation
- Physiotherapy to the acute elderly medical wards
- Physiotherapy to the general medical wards
- Physiotherapy for pulmonary rehabilitation
- Physiotherapy for the amputee service
- Physiotherapy for the oncology and palliative care service
- Physiotherapy for the renal service
- Physiotherapy for the surgical wards and intensive care
- Physiotherapy lymphoedema and breast cancer service
- Physiotherapy service - the balance centre
- Physiotherapy service for rheumatology
- Orthopaedic physiotherapy
- Stroke physiotherapy services

In order to provide quality physiotherapy we are divided into clinical specialist teams. Each team can follow a patient from in-patient care to out-patient care, thus maintaining a seamless service.