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Our services

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Becoming a private patient

We are able to offer you the option of being seen as a private patient across one of our hospital sites.

We welcome patients, including those who are covered by private medical insurance or are paying for themselves (self paying patients).

Income generated by private patients is important to the hospital and is reinvested back in to the NHS to help support the services we deliver and the facilities we provide to all our patients.

We have one centralised administration team covering all private patient services (irrelevant of site).

To discuss our private patient service in more detail, including price enquiries in relation to in/out or day procedures please contact a member of the private patient team to discuss further by contacting 01723 385382, alternatively by email as follows:

Referrals can be via GP as an insured patient or self paying patient.

In first instance please make direct contact with a member of the private patient team on 01723 385382 to discuss your individual case and options available.

The Trust offers private treatment in the following specialties:

  • Cardiology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
  • General Medicine (Endoscopy)
  • Gynaecology
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedic
  • Rheumatology
  • Urology
  • Pain Clinic - York

Income generated by private patients is important to the hospital and is reinvested back in to the NHS to help support the services we deliver and the facilities we provide to all our patients.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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