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Urine Collection for Microbiology Examination

1. Urine for Urinary Tract Infection

A midstream urine (MSU) in a red topped 30 mL boric acid container.

a) How to take an MSU: Click Here

b) Investigation to request:

CPD – select MICUF

ICE – select ‘Urine for MC & S’ from the Micro panel

2.  Common Problems with urine samples

Wrong sample bottle used:

  • Always send a red topped container for ?UTI samples
  • Never use a red topped bottle for urine dipstix
  • Always send a white topped bottle for urinary antigen tests

3.  Urgent microscopy required

CPD – set sample urgency status to ‘urgent’

ICE – set sample priority status to ‘urgent’

4.  Treatment guidelines for community

Please Click Here

5.  Urine for suspected Schistosomes

For S. haematobium a complete collection of urine voided between 10:00 and 14:00 is required. At least 3 such specimens should be examined. Serological tests to exclude Schistosomiasis may be requested after 3 months from the last exposure.  The laboratory supplies suitable containers on request.

Web Page 41 Reviewed 28/06/19

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