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Eye Conditions in Adults

Acquired Fourth Nerve Palsy

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Age related macular degeneration

(Links to the Macular Society website)

Anterior Posterior Blepharitis

Information for patients, relatives and carers 


Link to information about Cataracts on RNIB website

Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Link to information about Charles Bonnet Syndrome on RNIB website


Information for patients, relatives and carers

Fresnel Prisms 

Information for patients, relatives and carers


Link to information about Glaucoma on RNIB website

Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Link to information about Charles Bonnet Syndrome on RNIB website

Herpes Simplex

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Herpes Zoster (shingles)

Information for patients, relatives and carers 

Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD)

Link to information about PVD on RNIB website

Recurrent Corneal Erosion Syndrome

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Retinal conditions generally

Link to information on BEAVRS (British and Eire association of vitreoretinal surgeons) website

Retinal Vein Occlusion

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Link to information about retinal vein/vessel occlusion on RNIB website 

Sixth Nerve Palsy

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Steroid tablets (Prednisolone and dexamethasone)

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Third Nerve Palsy

Information for patients, relatives and carers


Information for patients, relatives and carers

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