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About us

LGBTQ+ Staff Network

Our LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Trans) Staff Network is a group of staff who:

  • Provide a safe environment to raise LGBTQ+ issues
  • Give informaton, guidance and support to staff
  • Assist colleagues to asses the impact of Trust policies to ensure inclusivity
  • Contribute to staff development activities and awareness events
  • Signpost and support people to live the Trust values

NHS Rainbow badge application form

This form must be completed by the person requesting the badge so that they fully understand what it means.

Full name:*

Job title:*

Email address:*

Full address of where you work so we can post a badge out to you:*

I confirm that:

I understand wearing a badge gives a positive message of inclusion and means I have a responsibility to be someone who is a friendly ear for LGBTQ+ young people and families

I have read the information on this page

I understand what to do if I think a situation requires escalation (refer people to information on our website

By choosing to wear this badge, you are sending a message that “you can talk to me” about issues of gender and sexuality. You aren’t expected to solve all their issues and concerns but you are a friendly ear and will know how to signpost to support available.

We’d like to collect information about what motivates people to wear a badge which may be used anonymously to promote the badges to others.

Please tell us in a few words - I would like to wear a badge because:*

Email 2*:

* required fields


The group meets in a regular basis. For further information contact

A receptionist at an information stand reading some paperwork

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