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"I have been the lead chaplain for the Trust since December 2016.  I have always had a heart for caring and became a chaplain in later life after many years of teaching within special education which involved working with families and within a multi-disciplinary team. This together with a personal journey through bereavement in early adult life eventually led me to becoming ordained and feeling drawn to pursue Chaplaincy within the NHS.

"I was attracted to the NHS because I feel passionate about spiritual care and the need to treat all people with dignity and respect, and as unique individuals.

"The biggest change I have seen in my time with the NHS is the increased pressure on staff and resources.  It seems that staff have to do more and more with less money and time available to do the work.  What hasn’t changed, however, is the staff’s unfailing commitment and how they will always go the extra mile to do their best for people - and that’s what keeps the NHS going.

"Mother Teresa once said, 'We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.  But we must always remember that the ocean is made of many drops.’  I always remind people that what matters is the individual and your ‘little drop’ matters - no matter how small - and if everyone did just a little, consider what a difference we can make together."

26 March 2018

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