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Our services

Understanding my results

We send you and your GP your screening results letter within 6 weeks of your appointment.

An expert looks at the photographs of your eyes after you have been screened. You will be automatically invited back in a year if you have no or mild background changes.

If we detect disease which needs closer monitoring and more frequent screening, such as maculopathy or pre-proliferative retinopathy, we may call you back for another screening test in our digital surveillance clinic.

If we are unable get clear images of the back of your eye, we will send you an appointment for one of our slit lamp clinics.

If your disease is more advanced and we think you might need treatment, we will refer you to see an eye specialist at your local hospital.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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Roadworks about York Hospital


Roadworks being carried out by Yorkshire Water to repair a burst water pipe on Wigginton Road have been completed and traffic is running as normal. The temporary traffic lights outside the hospital have been removed.