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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Neisseria gonorrhoea PCR

Neisseria gonorrhoea PCR

4.3 ml Cobas Swab and 4.3 ml Cobas Urine Container - Cobas PCR Media

TestNeisseria gonorrhoea PCR
Common Abbreviation
Test typePCR
Sample typeSwab / Urine
Specimen Container Type4.3 ml Cobas Swab and 4.3 ml Cobas Urine Container - Cobas PCR Media
Sample Testing Amount10ml of Urine
Turnaround Time48 hours
Reference Interval
Additional NotesPlease use Cobas conatiners for Chlamydia PCR and Gonnorhoea PCR. Samples for these tests NOT in Cobas conatiners will be rejected.
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