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Coronavirus and maternity services

The safety of women, their families, and our staff is our absolute priority but we do understand that the last few months have been really difficult for new and expectant families.

Throughout this time, we have been working hard to continually review the time that birth partners and visitors can be present safely in the physical space and environment available and within the guidance advised for healthcare settings.  We are therefore pleased to confirm that our maternity visiting has reverted back to pre-pandemic guidance.

From 2 September, we are once again able to support visiting for partners and siblings between 8am-8pm, and we welcome two additional visitors between 3-4.30pm and 7-8.30pm.

Antenatal care and Scans

We have resumed face to face booking appointments.  One adult partner from your household bubble can attend all hospital ante natal appointments and scans with you.  You and your partner must be symptom free and screening questions will be asked of both of you in relation to Covid-19 on arrival, you will both need to have face coverings in place as per government guidance.

We encourage the use of lateral flow tests before attending appointments, in order to maintain the safety of all in the clinics. Lateral flow tests can be obtained from or from some community pharmacies.

In some locations your partner may be asked to wait outside the unit until you are called into a consultation room, to minimise your wait please arrive on time not early.

Antenatal education

Online parent education is ongoing.  You can still also access the information and videos on the website. 

Partners during labour

Your birth partner and a second birth partner can attend at all times during labour.

Once you are in active labour, you will be cared for on the labour ward and you can have your birth partner and a second birth partner with you throughout labour and birth. 

If you are admitted to the postnatal ward afterwards your partners will need to go home at this point.  Your birth and second birth partner must be symptom free.  Please inform a member of staff immediately if you or your birth partner are within an isolation period for COVID-19.

Induction of labour

We can now introduce additional support during induction of labour.  Where we are able to accommodate you in a single room for induction, your birth partner will be able to stay for a prolonged period during day time hours.  Please note we cannot always accommodate a single room.

Caesarean section

If you are coming in for an elective caesarean section, your birth partner can come in with you and stay with you until your baby is born and you return to the ward.

Visiting on the wards

You can have one birth partner visit you for a six hour slot on the antenatal and postnatal wards.  Slots can be pre-booked and are available either between 8:00am-2:00pm or 2:00pm-8:00pm.  Please telephone the ward to book.


We are continuing to offer a homebirth service.  This is under continuous review and is dependent on staffing across the whole unit and whether the ambulance service is running normally. 

Postnatal care

Breastfeeding support clinics have been reinstated.  The tongue tie service has been reinstated.

Perinatal Support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Women

Click here to visit the Local Maternity System (LMS) website for additional information for women from a BAME community, including details about vitamin D.

Ask a midwife - our maternity Facebook page

We would like to offer you the opportunity to ask our midwives anything you want to know about our maternity service and how the changes to services might affect you.  ‘Ask a Midwife’ allows you to privately message the @yorkandscarboroughbumps2babies Facebook page with a query.  The page will be checked periodically on week days and a midwife will answer you directly.

Queries that we find are common will be posted so do check the page as what you want to know might have already been asked.

Any query directly related to your pregnancy or baby should be directed as normal to the maternity team. For example, if you are worried about your baby’s movements, it is essential that you contact us straight away in the usual way.  Click here to view the ask a midwife frequently asked questions.

Visit the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website for up to date information for pregnant women.

Please remember; any alteration in your baby’s movements it is really important you ring the maternity unit for advice - we may need to see you to confirm you baby’s wellbeing. The phone numbers can be found on your green notes.

Please be aware that if you are self isolating because you or a family member have symptoms of coronavirus, it is still very important that you ring for advice if you are concerned about your pregnancy or baby in any way – this includes your baby’s movements.  Do not wait until the period of self isolation is completed before contacting us.

If you test positive for COVID-19 please contact the maternity unit to inform them by calling the triage team at York Hospital 01904 725924 or the labour ward at Scarborough on 01723 342124.   At this point the midwives will offer you a pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen saturations.  Evidence suggests that pregnant women are at increased risk of becoming unwell with COVID-19.  Monitoring your oxygen saturations is the most accurate way of keeping an eye on your progress with COVID-19.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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Delays travelling to and from York Hospital

Repairs to damaged pipes under Wigginton Road outside York Hospital will continue until further notice. This work by Yorkshire Water will cause major delays and significant traffic disruption for patients, suppliers and hospital visitors.

If you think that you may be late for a hospital appointment, please let us know as soon as you can, using the number on your appointment invitation. We strongly advise allowing extra time for your journeys to and from the hospital, whether driving, or using taxis and local buses