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Vascular Surgery

York and North Yorkshire Vascular Unit

The Vascular unit includes a team of seven consultant vascular surgeons who cover a large geographical area including York, Scarborough , Bridlington , Malton ,Selby , Harrogate and Wetherby hospitals.

The unit also includes consultant interventional radiologists and vascular specialist nurses along with a team of junior doctors, nurses, podiatrists and other allied health professionals. The team offers a full range of vascular and endovascular procedures across York and North Yorkshire.

Vascular surgery in North Yorkshire, including parts of East Yorkshire, is mainly provided from York Hospital where all arterial cases are performed. Some non-invasive investigations are carried out at our other sites wherever possible- so that patients can be seen closer to their home. We also carry out day case surgery at both York and Scarborough hospitals.

Outpatient clinics are run in the following locations:

Bridlington - Wednesday pm
Harrogate - Monday am and Friday pm
Scarborough - Monday pm and Friday am
Selby - Friday pm
Wetherby - Friday am
Malton - Thursday pm
York - Monday - Friday

In addition the acute foot service provides clinics accessed through podiatry:

York - Monday am
Harrogate - Monday pm
Scarborough - Wednesday am
Malton - Thursday am

Conditions we treat 

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)

Both conventional open surgery and endovascular repair (EVAR) are available, subject to suitability.

Carotid artery disease

Working closely with the stroke team we are able to offer Carotid Endarterectomy to suitable patients with carotid disease.

Peripheral Vascular disease

Angioplasty, stenting and bypass surgery are all available within the trust.

Dialysis access:

All renal access procedures are offered within the trust including tunnelled central lines, primary fistulas, complex fistulas and peritoneal dialysis catheters.


Medical treatment, Botox injection, retrodermal curettage and thoracoscopic sympathectomy

Acute and Chronic deep venous disease

Thrombolysis and venous stenting are available

Mesenteric Ischaemia

Investigation and treatment is available.

Upper Limb Disorders

Outpatient and inpatient medical management of Raynaud’s. Surgical treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome and cervical ribs.

Varicose Veins

We are able to offer open surgical techniques, radiofrequency ablation (VNUS) and injection sclerotherapy.

New Leg Ulcer

We are able to offer outpatient assessment for New lower limb ulceration (within 2-16 weeks from advent), not including foot or malleolar ulceration

Useful numbers

York Switchboard 01904 631313

Contact numbers for Secretaries to Vascular Surgeons:

Consultant Name

Contact Details

Mr M Baroni  Secretary: 01904 725969
Mr A Thompson Secretary: 01904 726287
Mr A McCleary Secretary: 01904 726287
Mr G Peach Secretary: 01904 726287
Mr S Cavanagh Secretary: 01904 725969
Mr A Kordowicz Secretary: 01904 725969
Mr S Brooks Secretary: 01904 726287

Vascular Specialist Nurses

Nicky Wilson
Catherine Lomax-Boyeson
Lisa Sharpe

Mr Marco Baroni  Clinical Director, General Surgery
Mr Andrew Thompson  Lead Vascular Clinician
Liz Hill  Associate Chief Operating Officer
Adam Spray  General Manager
Megan Matthewman  Senior Operational Manager
Vijay Joshi  Service Manager
Bethany Norman  Deputy Service Manager

Vascular Surgery Primary Care Referral Pathway

Seen and Assessed by GP

  • Emergency Admission Required -

Call - York On Call Vascular SpR 8am - 8pm, York General Surgical SpR 8pm - 8am.or on call Vascular Consultan via York Switchboard

  • To Discuss a case and decide on urgency -

Call On Call Vascular Consultant Surgeon via York Switchboard

  • Urgent Vascular Outpatient Appointment required -

Referral Support Service

Two female receptionists on the phone at a desk smiling


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