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Head and Neck

We provide a specialist service to both inpatients and outpatients with communication and swallowing difficulties as a result of head and neck cancer.

We work closely with other professionals such as consultant Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Dietitians and Clinical Nurse Specialists within the York Hospitals Head and Neck Cancer Multidisciplinary Team.  We also work closely with the corresponding hospital teams in Leeds and Hull where the radiotherapy and chemotherapy services are based.

We provide assessment, treatment, support, advice and information for patients, supporting their carers and families too and involving other professionals where appropriate.

We provide a Surgical Voice Restoration service for Laryngectomy patients and provide therapy and equipment for voice and respiratory rehabilitation. We have links with the local Head and Neck support group.

Patients are able to access the following specialist clinics:

  • Videofluoroscopy (Modified Barium Swallow) assessment (xray)
  • Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Clinics
  • Allied Health Professional Clinic (Clinical Specialist Nurse, Dietitian, and Speech and Language Therapist are present)
  • Drop-In Laryngectomy Clinic

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