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The Council of Governors consists of 16 public governors and six staff governors who have all been elected by the membership of their constituencies. It also includes nominated representatives from the Local Authority, University, and other partnership organisations.

You can find out more about the role of our governors here.   You can see a copy of the current declaration of governor interests here.

If you would like to contact any of the governors, email, including the name of the governor you wish to contact.

Below you will find a list of our current governors.  Click on the images to find out more about your local governor.

Elected Governors - Public

Rukmal Abeysekera

Rukmal Abeysekera

City of York, Lead Governor

Mary Clark

Mary Clark

City of York

Beth Dale

Beth Dale

City of York

Michael Reakes

Michael Reakes

City of York


Ros Shaw

City of York

Linda Wild

Linda Wild

East Coast of Yorkshire


James Hayward

East Coast of Yorkshire


Paul Gibson

East Coast of Yorkshire

Catherine Thompson

Catherine Thompson

Hambleton District

Wendy Loveday

Wendy Loveday


Appointed Governors - Partner Organisations

Gerry Richardson

Gerry Richardson

University of York

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Elizabeth McPherson

Community & Social Care

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Jill Quinn MBE

Dementia Forward

Liz Colling

Cllr Liz Colling

North Yorkshire County Council


Cllr Jonathan Bibb

East Riding of Yorkshire Council


Cllr Jason Rose

City of York Council

Elected Governors - Staff

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Rebecca Bradley


Abbi Denyer

Abbi Denyer


Julie Southwell

Julie Southwell



Dr Gary Kitching



Dr Adnan Faraj

Scarborough & Bridlington

Franco Villani

Franco Villani

Scarborough & Bridlington


Graham Healey

Scarborough & Bridlington

View the report on the results of the 2023 governor elections.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

Our Hospitals

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