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Public Governor Elections 2024

From Thursday 11 July 2024, the search is on to recruit new public governors to help influence the future of our health services. 

Sadly, some of our governors’ terms have come to an end, and a great opportunity has arisen to become the ‘voice’ of local people as a public governor in the following constituencies:

  • City of York (2 vacancies)
  • East Coast of Yorkshire (3 vacancies)
  • Ryedale & East Yorkshire (2 vacancies)
  • Selby (1 vacancy)
  • Out of Area (1 vacancy)

Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day running of the Trust but have an important role in the effective running of the Trust. Governors hold the Board to account and advise the Board of public and staff opinion, acting as guardians of the public and staff interest.  They make suggestions and, when appropriate, constructively question Board decisions.

The main responsibility of a Governor is to help communicate with the membership and public and make sure the views of the membership and public are fed back to the Board.

Governors also act as ambassadors and champions, helping promote the Trust's work in their communities. 

Why become a Governor?

  • It is an opportunity to support your local hospitals, perhaps giving something back if the NHS has had an impact on your life or those close to you.
  • You can make a difference to the care and services provided to patients.
  • You can use your existing skills, knowledge, and experience to contribute positively.
  • You can learn more about the health service and your local hospitals.

How much time is involved?

Governors will tell you they enjoy the role, but the time commitment should not be underestimated.

As well as attending four formal meetings a year, there are other commitments, such as attending Council sub-committee/working group meetings and engagement events. Time will also be required to prepare for and read papers provided for each meeting.

Governors are also encouraged to attend the Board of Directors meeting, held in public each month.

Governors are asked to reach out to the local communities to encourage wide representation of membership; this may involve using your own groups/networks to engage with members of the public.

Attendance at induction and mandatory training and development events will be required to ensure you are kept up to date with NHS current events and to learn more about the Governor role.

Meetings take place on weekdays during the day. Most of these are via Teams, except the formal Council meetings which are held face-to-face.

Who can stand for election?

We aim to elect Governors who are representative of all walks of life; you do not need special skills or qualifications to become an effective Governor.  You need to be enthusiastic, committed, and care about your local services.  All types of people can become Governors, with the exception of a disqualified person, but you must:

  • Be over the age of 16.
  • Be a member of York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. See more information on membership here.
  • Live in the geographical area you want to represent.
  • Have an interest in the health service.
  • Be willing to act in the best interests of the Trust and abide by the values of the Trust and Nolan principles of public life.
  • Have good interpersonal skills as you will need to talk to others.
  • Be willing to travel to Trust sites for meetings/events, etc.

The election process

Our election process is run by Civica Election Services (CES), who manage the elections on our behalf.

Members wishing to put themselves forward for election as a Public Governor must apply for a nomination form, which includes writing a statement of 150 – 250 words outlining why they think members should vote for them to become a Governor, e.g., explaining the reasons for standing and including any relevant skills, knowledge, and attributes.  There is also the option of providing a photograph.

CES will send out ballot papers (either by post or email) to members in each constituency with a vacant seat. This will include the election statements of each candidate. Members will then vote for their preferred candidate and return their vote by post or electronically to CES.

There may be circumstances when no election is needed, ie. When there is only one person standing for one vacant seat; this is classed as uncontested.

CES will inform the Trust of the results and the candidates will then be contacted by the Trust's Governor and Membership Manager (on the Chair’s behalf).  Each post is held for three years.

The election timetable

If you are interested in standing for election, from 11 July an information pack and nomination form can be obtained from Abi Walcott-Daniel, the Returning Officer, as follows:


Telephone: 020 8889 9203


Post: CES, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW

All nominations should be received by the Returning Officer, at the address as detailed above, by 5pm on Thursday 8 August 2024.

Should any nominee wish to withdraw their nomination, they must put this in writing to the Returning Officer by 5pm on Tuesday 13 August 2024.

For all contested constituencies, voting will open on Monday 2 September 2024 and close at 5pm on Wednesday 25 September 2024

The results of the elections will be available from Thursday 26 September 2024.

If you are interested in becoming a governor read our booklet Information for Prospective Public Governors, or email

A receptionist at an information stand reading some paperwork

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