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Official Snowdrop Suite Opening

July saw the official opening of The Snowdrop Suite at Scarborough Hospital which was funded by The Snowdrop Appeal.

The suite was opened by Judith Abela, Acting Chief Executive from the charity Sands. Judith said “I was delighted to be asked to open the suite. It is exactly what we want every hospital in the country to have and Scarborough is a great example”.

Several of those who have supported the appeal and helped design the suite attended the opening last month, including members from the new local Sands Group. Community Fundraiser Maya Richardson said “It is lovely to have this facility now up and running after all the efforts and generosity of the local communities. It is testament to the local public that Scarborough now has a Sands group who are there to offer additional support to those who sadly lose a child in pregnancy of soon after”.

Donations can still be made to the appeal and will be used to fund those extra items that the suite would like in the future.

Pictured above: Chief Nurse Beverley Geary centre left and right Judith Abela from the Charity Sands with staff members and supporters

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