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Children and young people's privacy notice

Why do we need your information?

This Notice is to tell you how York and Scarborough Hospital (the hospital) uses information to take care of you.

  • Your doctor, nurse, and others who take care of you write down information about your health and the treatments you get.
  • Every time you visit, we write down why you came, things we talked about, and any medicines or treatments we gave you.
  • This helps us remember what we did for you and make sure you get the best care.
  • We also write down your address and phone number so we can reach you when needed.

Who do we get your information from?

Some information we use will come from you or your family – like a parent or guardian.

We sometimes also use information from:

  • Your doctor
  • The ambulance that brought you here
  • Other hospitals
  • Other places that care about you, such as your school

Who are we?

The hospital makes decisions about how we use your information.

We must look after your information carefully.

The hospital has a “Data Protection Officer” called Rebecca Bradley. Her job is to make sure we look after your information. If you, or your parent or guardian needs to speak to her you can email:

Or send a letter to:

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
York Hospital
Wigginton Road
North Yorkshire
YO31 8HE

What Information do we need to take care of you?

  • Your name, where you live and how old you are
  • Who you live with and who looks after you
  • Your NHS number
  • What care we have given you
  • Information about your family and your past
  • Photographs
  • Results and scans of your body like X-Rays
  • Information from other places that look after you too

Does the law allow us to use your information?

Yes, the Trust has a “public task” to use your information to care for you and help you get better.

How long do we keep your information for?

We have to keep your information until your 25th birthday. Some information may be kept for longer, depending on what it is about.

Who do we share your information with?

Sometimes we will need to share your information with other people who are looking after you. This could be your doctor, other hospitals, nurses, nurseries, schools, colleges or children’s services. We will tell you if we are going to share this information unless we are worried about your safety, or the safety of someone else. Sometimes we need to use your information to help other people or to teach them. We will remove your name, age and where you live, so no one will know it’s about you.

Do we send your information outside the UK?

Most information is kept here in the UK.

Your Rights

If you think something is wrong or something is missing, please talk to the person or team who are looking after you.

You can also email

If you are worried about how your information is being used you can speak to the person or team looking after you, our “Patient Advice and Liaison Team” or our Data Protection Officer.

If you are still unhappy, please contact the “Information Commissioner’s Office” at the following details:

First Contact Team
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AF // 0303 123 1113

A receptionist at an information stand reading some paperwork

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