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Collaborations with York St John University

The Arts Team have worked closely with York St John University's Music Department since 2010, linking with students to provide musical interactions for patients, staff and visitors within York Hospital.

Pop-Up Performance 2018 - 2019

Beth Crosland, Aaron Soon


"As Pop-Up Performance Volunteers we work with our fellow music students to provide performances in the main entrance of York Hospital.  This opportunity compliments our Community Music module at university, providing the perfect platform for learning and experience within the community.   Alongside this, we’re also able to fundraise for York Teaching Hospital Charity, raising funds to support staff in making the hospital experience the best it can be for all who visit and stay there.”

– Aaron Soon & Beth Crosland


Music Wednesdays 2017 - 2018

Emily Tindall, Wayne Dawson



"I’m really excited about my role as Music Wednesdays Coordinator.  Bringing community music into the hospital setting is a wonderful opportunity, allowing me to enhance my skills as a musician whilst making positive changes to this challenging environment.”

– Emily Tindall


Music Wednesdays 2016 - 2017

Ellis Walsh, Millie Saunders, Emily Tindall

EllisMillieEmily-WEBSITE PIC


“It's thrilling to have been selected for this role as we're both passionate about music and love to see the positive effects it can have on people.  We're really excited to give fellow music students the chance to come and play at the hospital, sharing their incredible talents and experiencing the effect.  Working within the community is a great interest to us both; this hospital collaboration is a wonderful opportunity to explore this further.”

– Ellis Walsh & Millie Saunders


Music Wednesdays 2015 - 2016

Nathan O'Grady, Liam Cooke



"We are an acoustic duo who began performing together in our second year at York St John University. We’re passionate, proud musicians with a strong interest in community music.  We truly appreciate the difference music can make to a person’s life and feel privileged to share the skills of our fellow students with York Hospital, where we know this work is respected and of significant benefit."

– Nathan O'Grady & Liam Cooke

Music Wednesdays 2014 - 2015

Jennie Schofield, Eilish Jennison, Helen Mills



“As Music Wednesdays coordinator’s we have the opportunity to share music with staff, patients and visitors within York hospital. This is such a rewarding experience that we believe is an aid to recovery.  Being in hospital can be worrying, stressful and upsetting; it’s such a joy to see patients smile when they hear our music, often striking up conversations about their own musical experiences and commenting on the positive impact we have on the hospital environment.”

- Jennie Schofield, Eilish Jennison & Helen Mills



"I really enjoyed performing in the hospital, it was a completely new experience for me and I gained a lot of satisfaction and encouragement from it. It's lovely to realise the difference music can make to people."  

- Second Year Music Student after playing on the Stroke Rehab Unit

Internal hospital signage with arrows to Main Reception, Outpatients and Pharmacy

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Delays travelling to and from York Hospital

Repairs to damaged pipes under Wigginton Road outside York Hospital will continue until further notice. This work by Yorkshire Water will cause major delays and significant traffic disruption for patients, suppliers and hospital visitors.

If you think that you may be late for a hospital appointment, please let us know as soon as you can, using the number on your appointment invitation. We strongly advise allowing extra time for your journeys to and from the hospital, whether driving, or using taxis and local buses