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Get Involved

If you're a musician living in the area and would like to donate some of your time to play in any of our hospitals, please contact the Arts Team by clicking here.

York St John University

To find out about our collaborations with students from York St John University, please click here.

University of York

To find out more about Music Education Group (MEG) at the University of York, please click here.

Music News


Christmas Music Programme

We had a varied and very festive music programme during December in York hospital and also on three of the wards at Scarborough.  A big thank you goes out to all the musicians who played and sang in our Christmas music programme, keeping spirits bright and raising funds for the York & Scarborough Hospitals Charity along the way.   

During Christmas dinner week in Ellerby’s we were treated to the beautiful voice of Jess Weatherill, singing carols, accompanied on keyboard.  Regulars Chris Bartram and Sarah Dean entertained us with their singing, guitar and harp playing.   The U3A classical guitar group provided gentle Christmas music for diners and by contrast the Musical Connections Choir gave a rousing and entertaining performance of popular festive classics, dressed in their Christmas jumpers, bells, tinsel and all!

Musical Connections b

Musical Connections Choir

Jess Weatherill

Jess Weatherill

Visitors, staff and patients enjoyed singing from three wonderful choirs in the main entrance; the Musical Connections Choir, led by Abigail Noble Coates, The Rhythm of Life Singers, led by Nicola Betts and Clifton Green Primary School's Young Voices.   

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The Rhythm of Life Singers

Clifton Green Primary b

Clifton Green Primary School Young Voices Choir

The Lads returned to the main corridor of the hospital and brought along their own fan club, members of nearby The Hut, who danced and sang along to The Lad's upbeat renditions of regular favourites and festive songs.

The Lads 2024

The Lads

Last, but by no means least, Chris Bartram and Sarah Dean visited wards at both Scarborough and York hospitals, bringing a mix of gentle music to soothe and calm and jolly festive music to bring joy and fun to our patients, visitors and staff.   

Chris and Sarah

Chris Bartram and Sarah Dean

The Lads Weekend

The Lads Weekend brought lots of smiles and their usual fun banter into the main corridor of York hospital on Thursday 2nd May.  It was wonderful to see that staff had brought a patient in his bed, especially to listen. We hope he enjoyed it as much as The Lads enjoyed playing.   Lots of people passed by, smiling,  shimmying, dropping coins into the charity collection bucket.  Thanks to Harry and Peter for brightening up the day!

The Lads May 2024

Music on Ward 37

Generously part funded by Purey Cust, a local health based grant funding charity, we are able to provide professional musicians and facilitators to support patients with dementia, three times a week. Highly experienced community musicians Thea Jacob, Sarah Dean and Chris Bartram use their expertise, skills and knowledge to engage patients and staff with singing, percussion playing and  dancing on the ward. Sian from Moving Minds provides weekly movement and dance sessions which keep patients mobile and focused.   Both the music and the movement sessions have become a regular feature, providing engagement and distraction for patients, lifting the atmosphere and raising spirits on the ward. 

Music on the Wards

Musicians Chris Bartram and Sarah Dean visited various wards across York hospital, bringing joy to patients, staff and visitors.   We had dancing, singing, lots of laughs and some quieter reflective moments too.  The programme ran from January to March and was funded by York and Scarborough Hospitals Charity.  

Sarah edited Chrs on the wards

Easter Fundraiser

Musician Sarah Dean supported the Charity Team's Easter fundraising for the children's ward on 27th March.  Sarah decorated her harp, donned bunny ears for the occasion and entertained passers-by with uplifting music and singing.  

Sarah Easter

U3A Classical Guitar Group

This group of seven musicians were received by an appreciative audience in the main entrance to York hospital.  Much foot tapping ensued as visitors, staff and patients were entertained and funds was raised for the hospital charity.  

U3A March 2024

The Lads Weekend

Harry and Peter, AKA The Lads Weekend, returned for another blast of music down the main corridor at York hospital.  They 'll be returning for another upbeat set in May.  

The Lads March 2024

Four Winds

This was the first visit for this talented wind quartet who opened our Spring Programme,  in the main entrance to York hospital, with an eclectic mix of music including Yellow Submarine, the Muppet Show theme music, Rock Around the Clock aswell as more traditional folk and classic pieces.  We hope they'll return!

Four Winds 2


Winter Music Programme

The Arts Team were delighted to open their winter music programme with Jake Hawes and Alexander Inkster from the University of York St John.  After such a long lull it was uplifting to hear live music on York hospital’s main corridor again.  Supported by student volunteer music co-ordinator, Isabella Watson, Jake and Alexander performed pop, rock and ballads on electric and acoustic guitar to the delight of staff, patients and visitors.

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Jake and Alexander will be returning to perform at York hospital each Wednesday afternoon until 14thDecember. 


The Wellbeing Choirs

In January 2019 we piloted a 12 week Wellbeing Choir in York Hospital, building on the former staff choir and incorporating learning obtained through extensive research and planning.  To say the pilot was a success would be quite the understatement! 

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Our brilliant choir leader, Nicola Betts, led the York based choir from strength to strength through 3 phases, alongside establishing the Scarborough Hospital Wellbeing Choir in April 2019.  Local musician, Sarah Dew, took over the role in Scarborough for phase 2, building on the choir’s foundations with her warm and welcoming nature and expertise.


Both choirs were generously funded by York Teaching Hospital Charity and participants were encouraged to give back to the charity through weekly donations.  The Chaplaincy Team and our fantastic volunteers, Adi and Chris, supported the ventures whole heartedly, all contributing to our renowned success.


Throughout the duration of the choirs we saw friendships blossom, confidence grow and visitor, staff and patient wellbeing improve.  We took part in hospital performances, Mind events and even York Community Choir Festival!

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In March 2020, as funding and capacity changed, we were forced to address our choirs, aiming for a more sustainable approach.  Nicola Betts was able to continue the choir in York on a self-funding basis and participants in Scarborough were encouraged to attend other community choirs in the area, all sharing the same goals for improved health and wellbeing.

To find out more about The Wellbeing Choir at York Hospital, click here.

To find out more about community choirs in Scarborough, click here.

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Live Music in York Hospital’s Stroke and Dementia Wards


Between May – June 2019 the Arts Team are working with professional Healthcare Musicians, Brightside Music CIC, to provide interactive live music sessions on York Hospital’s Stroke and Dementia wards.


Brightside Music take live musical interactions into hospitals across Yorkshire, changing the atmosphere and providing a distraction from the often difficult environment.  Becky Eden-Green and Aisling Holmes make up the Brightside duo; both experienced musicians with a background in education, they have undertaken the Music in Healthcare apprenticeship with OPUS Music CIC, a leading authority on live music-making in healthcare establishments.


Becky explains, “Over recent years there has been a growing understanding of the impact that taking part in the arts can have on health and wellbeing.  By supplementing medicine and care, music can improve the health of people who experience mental or physical health problems.”

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Sessions are responsive, flexible and tailored to each situation; working with individual patients at bedsides and groups in communal areas.  The project has already made quite an impact on York Hospital’s patients and their relatives, “After ten weeks of daily visits to the Stroke Ward, trying to look cheerful, straining to understand and sharing my husband’s frustration, I felt a profound relief just to sit back and share the music.”


Another relative shared how the sessions had impacted their elderly mother-in-law who had suffered from a Stroke a month before, “She was very sad and we were finding it difficult to talk to her, then the musicians arrived, playing music and songs she could relate to. A couple of days on from this she is showing marked improvement in outlook, is actively participating in her physio sessions and did not ask us to leave quite so quickly after arrival! We realise that we cannot attribute all of this to the music session but we are certain that it helped enormously!”

This project has been generously funded by York Teaching Hospital Charity.

Click here to visit the Brightside Music CIC website and find out more.

Musical Memories in Bridlington Hospital

Equipped with guitar and keyboard, musicians Ruth and Neil visited patients in Bridlington Hospital’s Johnson Ward, providing uplifting interactive music sessions. 

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Ward staff were keen to continue creative patient activities following art sessions trialled by the Trust’s Arts Team in 2018.  Understanding that singing together can boost levels of immunity, reduce stress, improve mood, memory and overall health and wellbeing, we coordinated this 6 week live music project. 


Ruth and Neil, better known as Musical Memories, provide fun social singing sessions for older people in North Yorkshire’s rural communities, including a project in Fitzwilliam Ward at Malton Hospital in 2018.  Ruth explains: “older patients really ‘come alive’ when sung to and engaged with verbally; eye contact and conversation increases enormously after just a couple of songs.

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“We have delightful conversations with the patients, visitors and staff; talking about birthdays, memories, wartime songs and singing in general.  We provide large print songbooks for patients to keep, including classics such as ‘We’ll Meet Again’ and ‘Supercalifragilistic’.  When one lady saw that we had ‘True Love’ in our collection she said to her husband ‘that’s our song’ and they sang along, revealing they’d recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.

“Staff on Johnson Ward are extremely supportive; singing and assisting patients as they join in with the sessions.  It’s a pleasure to work alongside them and to make such a difference to the time patients spend in hospital.”

Click here to find out more about Musical Memories.

This project has been generously funded by York Teaching Hospital Charity.

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Meet Alan, our new Music Performance Support Volunteer, joining us from the Friends of York Hospitals.

Alan supervises musicians within the public areas and wards of York Hospital.  He’s also a talented musician himself and performs regularly with various groups from York U3A.

If you’d like to volunteer some of your time to provide music in one of our hospitals please click here to let us know.


The Lads Weekend

We were delighted to welcome back volunteer musicians The Lads Weekend who came and visited us to do a brilliant busking session along York Hospital’s main corridor. It brought lots of smiles to peoples faces and raised money for York Teaching Hospital Charity at the same time.



Evaluating our Music Programme

 Group photo

Over the past year we’ve been working with volunteers, university students and professional musicians to provide a music programme in York, Scarborough and Malton hospitals.

We were delighted to spend a morning with those who’ve contributed to this rich and varied programme, including representatives from the Friends of York Hospitals and Staff Choir.

Discussions on impact, challenges and developments and a wealth of shared experience will help inform how we run the music programme in the future. 


Musical Memories in Malton Hospital

Musical Memories join Fitzwilliam Ward at Malton Hospital for a set of four weekly music sessions this month.  Ruth and Neil perform war time songs, encouraging patients, visitors and staff to sing along.  Thank you to York Teaching Hospital Charity for generously funding the sessions.

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Music in Scarborough’s Elderly Wards

Housekeeper, Tanya Barber, approached us looking for musicians to play on the elderly wards she looks after in Scarborough Hospital. Thanks to funding from York Teaching Hospital Charity we have been able to provide six sessions with local musician, Simon Nisbett.  The music is proving extremely beneficial to patients, promoting social interaction, reminiscence and bringing smiles to so many faces (doctors have even joined in with a little dance!)

Simon Montage 

Christmas 2017

Thank you to all our volunteer musicians who supported the 2017 Christmas music programme, donating their time and talent for those in need.

The Lads Weekend, Staff Choir, York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir, Ron Burnett’s Mardi Gras Trio, A Garland of Flutes, Bootham School Choir, New Generation Singing Club, York U3A Jazz Guitar Group.

Volunteers from York Teaching Hospital Charity held bucket collections during many of the performances, helping to raise essential funds for the charity’s Dementia Appeal.

Bell Ringers - Scarborough - Christmas 2017

Above: Scarborough Bell Ringers

 The Lads Weekend - XMAS 2017

Above: The Lads Weekend

CHAPEL drop in carols 2017 - MONTAGE

 Above: Staff Choir performing alongside Chaplaincy staff in their annual drop in carol service

Ron Burnett Mardi Trio - Xmas 2017

 Above: Ron Burnett's Mardi Gras Trio

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 Above: York U3A Jazz Guitar Group


York U3A Guitar Group

York U3A Guitar group visited us for the first time in December, with an excellent performance on York Hospital’s main corridor.

York U3A guitar group - 4th Dec 2017

Run entirely by volunteers, U3A stands for 'University of The Third Age' and provides learning and fun for older people no longer in full-time employment.  Patients, visitors and staff commented on the beautiful, uplifting tunes and how wonderful it was to have such lovely music on the corridor.


Watch our short film about Music in York Hospital

We’ve been working with our amazing volunteers and staff to create a short film about the music programme we provide in York Hospital.  Click here to watch the film.

Music Film MONTAGE with WORDS

Student led performances

We’ve had some amazing musical performances and workshops in York Hospital since our student volunteers returned from their summer break.  We’re proud of our links with both of the city's universities, allowing us to provide quality music for our patients, visitors and staff to enjoy.

Music montage - OCT2017


Ukulele Sunshine Revival

Members of Ukulele Sunshine Revival joined us for a second performance in York Hospital, entertaining patients, visitors and staff on ward 25.

Huge thanks to Rory, Stuart and Diane for sharing their brilliant talents with us.

New Generation Singing Club

Our friends from New Generation Singing Club joined us for another uplifting performance in York Hospital this July, raising over £45 for York Teaching Hospital Charity!  Huge thanks to everyone who got involved.


Musical Memories in Malton Hospital

We were delighted to welcome Ruth and Neil from Musical Memories to perform in Malton Hospital this June. 

Ruth and Neil run Musical Memories sessions across the Malton area, providing fun social singing sessions for local communities.  They believe that singing together can boost levels of immunity, reduce stress and improve mood and memory.

Patients in Fitzwilliam Ward were lucky enough to enjoy a good sing song with Ruth and Neil in their initial pilot session.  We’re hoping to acquire funding for further sessions in Malton Hospital following a brilliant response from all patients, visitors and staff.


Musical Connections

During May 2017 we’re working with Musical Connections to bring music to patients in York Hospital’s elderly wards.  Musical Connections is a registered charity run by trained musicians, providing music sessions for adults of all ages and abilities in venues across York.  To find out more, click here

We'd love to say a huge thank you to musicians Joe and Emma for sharing their talent with such enthusiasm.  Our patients thoroughly enjoyed meeting you!

Photo credit: Elly Ross


Ukulele Sunshine Revival

Patients, visitors and staff on Ward 26 of York Hospital enjoyed a fantastic afternoon singing along with Ukulele Sunshine Revival.  This was their first time as volunteer musicians and they  definitely didn’t disappoint! 

The Ward sister commented that the music had de-stressed all staff on an otherwise hectic afternoon and a lovely gentleman patient commented that this was ‘ the best medicine yet’!

Huge thanks to Rory, Stuart and Terry – we hope to see you again soon.

The Trueman Trio

The Arts Team were delighted to welcome new musicians to York Hospital this month.  The Trueman Trio are a three piece string group and visited us for the first time to perform for patients in our Dementia ward.

They did a fantastic job and we’re hoping they’ll come back again soon!

Photo credit: Elly Ross


The Lads Weekend

Peter and Harry otherwise known as ‘The Lads Weekend’ came in to be filmed by Tim Hunt who is making a film to help show how the music programme runs within the hospital with the support of our fantastic volunteer musicians.

Photo credit:Elly Ross


Music Wednesdays

Patients on ward 16 enjoyed the musical talent of Abigail Hall, a volunteer working with our Music Wednesday’s coordinators from York St John University.

Abigail sang and played piano in the ward’s Enhanced Recovery Suite, allowing those well enough to come down and appreciate a little time away from the clinical environment of the bays.  From here the sound filtered to the patients in their beds, spreading the calming music throughout the ward for all to enjoy.

Music Education Group

Huge thanks to Megan, Fizz, Rachel and Josh from the University of York for their brilliant performances on wards 31 and 14 in York Hospital! 

Music Wednesdays

The patients on ward 28 in York Hospital were over the moon when Harry and Ben came to perform for them as part of our Music Wednesday’s programme.  The acoustic duo had whole bays singing and clapping to the beat, filling the room with song and laughter.   Harry even threw in a few jokes to keep everyone entertained!  Huge well done to these two!


Music Education Group (MEG)

Megan Dawes and Fizz Margerson joined us for their performance week on ward 39, singing classics from across the years to a very engaged audience of patients.  One gentleman was over the moon to have all his requests performed at his bedside – from Mary Poppins to Morecambe and Wise!

Music Wednesdays 2017

Music Wednesday’s Coordinators, Ellis and Emily, made a great start to 2017 with support from Wayne, their first musician of the year!  Wayne played guitar and sang to patients, visitors and staff both on the main corridor and ward 35. We’re hoping to see Wayne again over the course of the year!

York Community Choir Festival 2017

York Hospital Staff Choir are proud to be taking part in York Community Choir Festival.  The festival takes place over 4 nights in March, with community choirs from across the city taking part.  To find out more, please click here.


We’re feeling super Christmassy this year, thanks to our brilliant musicians who’ve been volunteering their time to lift the spirits of our patients, visitors and staff.

Mardi Gras Trio

Ron, Ray and Greg performed an upbeat jazz set for patients on Ward 23 in York Hospital, one of whom enjoyed it so much she danced along!

A Garland Of Flutes

The lovely ladies in this flute quartet returned to the main entrance with their magical Christmas carols.  Very well done to them for raising £31.20 for York Teaching Hospital Charity too!

Hands and Voices

We were delighted to see the beautiful smiling faces of Hands and Voices again this year.  Their inclusive choir sang and signed and got everyone in the main entrance involved too!  Their tremendous efforts raised a whopping £174.12 which was split between Accessible Arts and Media and York Teaching Hospital Charity – Excellent work guys!

Simply Plus Two

Ellis Walsh (our York St John Uni Music Wednesdays Coordinator) brought us a Christmas treat in the form of Simply Plus Two – an acoustic duo in which Nathan O’Grady, one of last year’s Music Wednesday’s Coordinators, performs!  Nathan and Lauren sang for patients on Ward 35 of York Hospital as well as their favourite spot on the main corridor.

New Generation Singing Club

We were delighted to welcome back the lovely young people from New Generation Singing Club.  They joined us on York Hospital’s main corridor for evening visiting time, spreading their energy and Christmas cheer!

Very well done to them for raising a whopping £114!  This will be split between their charity and York Teaching Hospital Charity.

New Generation Singing Club encourages all young people aged between 10 and 17 to come along and sing for fun. They're seeking new members to join them at Foxwood Community Centre where the club meet on term-time Thursday evenings from 6.45 - 8.30pm. If you’re interested in getting involved, please email Kate Walker by clicking here.

Bootham School Choir

Young people from Bootham School’s choir sung a collection of Christmas carols in York Hospital’s main entrance.  Their angelic voices helped to raise £46.35 and brought joy to so many people.

The Lads Weekend

It was an absolute pleasure to welcome Peter and Harry, otherwise known as ‘The Lads Weekend’ back to York Hospital for a special Christmas performance.  They came equipped with their own festive decorations, tunes and shakers, and were immensely popular with our patients, visitors and staff – raising a fantastic £119.39 – well done Lads!

York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir

These tremendous gents joined us again this Christmas, filling York Hospital’s main corridor with their perfectly arranged Christmas carols.  A glorious end to our Christmas music schedule!  Thank you to everyone who donated, helping us to raise £63.62!

Singing by Music Education Group (MEG)

On 26th October patients on Wards 16 and 33 of York Hospital were serenaded by a group of young musicians from MEG, led my Megan Dawes.  Some patients sang along, some tapped their feet and most found the energy for a big round of applause too! 

The magic of MEG continued on 23rd November, with performances from Emily and Eilidh on wards 15 and 26 at York Hospital.  Yet another amazing music session, with patients commenting on how much it had improved their day.

Thank you to Felicity and Jenny for a gorgeous performance on 30th November in AMU and maternity!  It's been a fantastic term of music - well done to Megan Dawes for organising it all!


Music Wednesdays

Our York St John University Music Wednesdays Coordinators are getting off to a great start with a selection of brilliant performances across York hospital.  The university’s recorder group and clarinet group played for patients, visitors and staff on Ward 32 and ward 16, as well as multiple communal areas too.  Thank you to our Music Wednesdays Coordinators Millie and Ellis for organising everything!

New Generation Singing Club

The Arts Team were happy to welcome New Generation Singing Club back to the main corridor this month.  They performed a selection of songs, from chart hits to musical melodies. 


We’d like to thank everyone who donated during the performance, raising £54.12 to be split between York Teaching Hospital Charity and New Generation Singing Club.

These guys will be back in December for their annual Christmas performance.

Music Education Group

The Arts Team are proud to be working with Megan Dawes from Music Education Group (MEG). 

The group is formed of students from York University and brings music sessions to patients within York Hospital.  Patients in our  Children’s, Stroke rehab and Dementia wards are being invited to participate in the weekly sessions, with many more patients benefiting from the monthly performances too.

To find out more about Music Education Group, please click here

Yearsley Grove Primary School serenade York Hospital’s Macmillan nurses

Children from Yearsley Grove Primary School have been working hard all year on the Young Leaders Award project, organised by the Archbishop's Youth Trust.  It fosters the hope that young people become 'the change that they want to see' and has impact on the local & national community. 

The children were encouraged to decide on their own project and chose to recognise the work of York Hospital’s Macmillan nurses who provide care for so many people affected by cancer.  The children held a fundraising event at school, but really wanted to send a personal thank you to the nurses too. 

On Friday 15th July year 5 students performed a very special concert in the main atrium of York Hospital.  Many nurses attended and were offered biscuits in recognition of all their hard work, care and support.

To view the Evening Press article, please click here.

The Arts Team say farewell to Music Wednesdays Coordinators, Nathan and Liam

As the summer draws closer the Arts Team must say goodbye to Nathan O’Grady and Liam Cooke, our amazing Music Wednesdays coordinators for 2015 – 2016.  Nathan and Liam have been an absolute pleasure to work with and a credit to York St John University.

Our new coordinators, Millie Saunders and Ellis Walsh start with us in September.  We look forward to welcoming them to their new role and can’t wait to sample their musical talents too!

Queen Margaret's School Choir

On Friday 13th May 2016 Queen Margaret’s School brought Cantiamo, their year 7 and 8 choir.  The choir aims to unite girls by encouraging them to enjoy singing and grow in confidence through performance. 

The girls performed in York Hospital’s main entrance, bringing solos,  violin pieces and full choir renditions of both traditional and modern songs.

We hope to welcome Queen Margaret’s back again in the near future.  To find out more about the school, please click here.

'The Lad's Weekend'

Since 'The Lad's weekend’s' debut performance earlier in the year we’ve been desperate to see them return to York Hospital.  With their quirky personalities and fantastic set list we knew we had to get them onto the wards for patients to enjoy.  It was a fantastic afternoon, with patients, vistors and nurses placing requests and singing along.

New Generation Singing Club

This May we were delighted to welcome New Generation Singing Club back to York Hospital’s main corridor.  The young people’s choir are regulars at Christmas and love it so much they were eager to come back this Summer!  Huge thanks go to everyone involved for giving up their time and raising money for York Teaching Hospital Charity!

York St John University Recorder Ensemble

On Wednesday 4th May the people of York Hospital were lucky enough to sample York St John University’s Recorder Ensemble!  Music Wednesday’s coordinators, Nathan and Liam sourced this interesting group of musicians as part of their role to bring music into the hospital fortnightly.

Nathan and Liam will be leaving us shortly as they finish university; we wish them the best of luck in their future careers!

‘The Lad’s Weekend’ on York Hospital’s Main Corridor

The Arts Team were delighted to welcome ‘The Lad’s Weekend’ for a superb performance on York Hospital’s main corridor in April.  This dynamic duo sings and play guitar, with a bit of sax on the side!  They perform for pleasure not profit in venues across the city including charities, mental health units, elderly care homes and festivals.

During the performance ‘The Lad’s Weekend’ raised £47 for York Teaching Hospital Charity, thank you to all those who gave so generously.  The group have kindly offered to come back and perform again later in the year, hoping to bring fun and lots of smiles to our patients and staff on the wards next time!

Our warmest thanks go to Peter and Harry for volunteering to perform for us; we can’t wait to see you again soon!

Christmas Performances 2015

Bootham School Chamber Choir

Bootham School returned to the main reception area of York Hospital again this year with over 30 students participating.  The choir’s beautifully sung Christmas carols were very popular, almost filling the area with people eager to stop and enjoy the festive performance. 

York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir

This amazing choir returned to York Hospital for another magical Christmas performance on the evening of 15th December.  The main hospital corridor was filled by their outstanding voices at visiting time, bringing Christmas cheer to all.  To find out more about York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir please click here.

New Generation Singing Club

This singing group from Foxwood are also regulars in the Arts Christmas music program.  The children sang a selection of gorgeous carols and attracted much attention on the hospital’s main corridor on the evening of 17th December.

Staff Choir at ‘More Christmas Tea Vicar’

The Chapel arranged their annual drop in carol service a little differently this year, aiming for a more informal approach which worked really well.  The service included carols from the Staff Choir, accompanying those sung by all in attendance.  To read more about the choir, please click here.

A Garland of Flutes

This amazing flute group performed a selection of carols including one of the team’s favourites from ‘The Snowman’.  The flautists attracted attention from so many people passing through the main entrance, including a gentleman from BBC Radio York who was most impressed!  To find out more about A Garland of Flutes, please click here.

The Arts in York Hospital would like to thank each and every musician who shared their musical talents with our patients, visitors and staff this Christmas.  The performances have been truly beautiful and warmed the hearts of so many.  We’d also like to thank Ron Burnett and his Mardi Gras Trio who are always so supportive of the music program but unfortunately had to pull out this time due to illness.

Music Wednesday’s 2015

Each year we work with two students from the Music course at York St John University to enhance our performing arts program through ‘Music Wednesdays’.

This year we’ve been working with Liam Cooke and Nathan O’Grady.  Their commitment to the project and passion for music in hospitals has made them an absolute joy to work with.  They’ve brought various different ensembles, soloists and sounds to the patients, visitors and staff of York Hospital covering many areas from wards to communal spaces.

Liam and Nathan will be back with us after Christmas with more beautiful music for everyone to enjoy.  Thanks guys!

Ron Burnett's Mardi Gras Trio

Ron Burnett and his Mardi Gras Trio have been supporting the Hospital’s music program again in 2015, with two performances in August and September.

As always, they brought joy and smiles to patients on several wards.

Christmas Performances 2014

The New Generation Singing Club

On the evening of Friday 19th December, The New Generation Singing Club brought joy and Christmas cheer to the main corridor of York Hospital.

The New Generation Singing Club is different from other singing clubs or choirs - their focus is on having fun, and you don't need to have previous singing experience to take part. The group, which is for children aged between 10 and 17 years old, sing a wide range from chart hits to show tunes, they meet on term-time Thursday evenings from 6.45 - 8.30pm at Foxwood Community Centre.

Ron Burnett's Mardi Gras Trio

On Wednesday 17th December Ron Burnett's Mardi Gras Trio brought their trumpet, trombone and banjo to Ellerby’s Restaurant, entertaining diners with their jolly jazz numbers. They continued their performance on a couple of elderly wards where they were very well received indeed!

Bootham School Choir

On Friday 12th December Bootham School Choir gave another amazing performance in the main entrance of York Hospital, bringing Christmas cheer to patients, visitors and staff with a selection of Christmas carols.

A Garland of Flutes

On 11th December the hospital welcomed A Garland Of Flutes, a local flute quartet, who filled the main entrance with the sound of beautiful Christmas carols.  They also performed for patients on a couple of wards where staff joined the group on vocals!

York St John University Gospel Choir

On Wednesday 10th December students from York St John University's Gospel Choir performed in Ellerby's Restaurant to bring Christmas joy to those enjoying their Christmas dinners.  This performance was organised by our Music Wednesdays coordinators, Jennie Schofield and Eilish Jennison.

York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir

The York Philharmonic Choir returned to York Hospital on the 9th December for their legendary evening performance.  The Choir raised over £80 for York Teaching Hospital Charity and brought joy to the many visitors and staff walking the main corridor that evening.

Christmas Carols from Music Education Group

On 4th December Sarah Collin from York University’s Music Education Group (MEG) brought a small choir to sing Christmas carols to patients on Ward 37 and the Children’s Ward.  The performance was absolutely beautiful, bringing smiles to the faces of many patients and staff.

Hands and Voices

On 3rd December Hands and Voices visited York Hospital for a special performance.  Hands and Voices are an inclusive community choir comprising mainly of adults with learning difficulties and disabilities, not only do they sing but they sign at the same time!  The performance linked in with International Day of Persons with Disabilities as well as getting everyone into the Christmas spirit with a selection of Christmas songs, some of which the group taught patients, visitors and staff how to sign along to.

2014 Performances

Zenith Nadir

July 2014

 'Zenith Nadir' are a Mexico-UK electronic fusion band based in Mexico City.  As part of their second UK tour, they performed in the main reception area of York Hospital. 

Their music is completely unique, an amalgam of sound sensations and upbeat elements ranging from electronic rock to Latin and Pre-Hispanic fusions with European and South American rhythms perfect for partying and dancing to at a large venue, festival or listening to at a more intimate venue.  'Zenith Nadir' are currently working on their fourth album.

For more information about 'Zenith Nadir', please click here.

Bootham School

July 2014

On 1st July York Hospital welcomed Bootham School to perform in the main entrance.  The School approached us, hoping to share their talents with us as part of their annual ‘Service Day’.  On this day all students are off timetable in order to take part in various projects of benefit to the community. We were lucky enough to receive a performance from a selection of talented musicians, accompanied by their resident musician, Edd Caine.  The students  performed a mixture of solo and ensemble items consisting of light classical music.  Their performance was outstanding, one patient even pulled out a harmonica and joined in.


June 2014

‘Apropos’ are a mixed vocal choir, based in Norway. In June the hospital was lucky enough to welcome the choir to perform in the main entrance waiting area.

The choir sing in Norwegian and English, including styles from pop to jazz, gospel and soul.  To find out more about ‘Apropos’, please click here.

Further information

Music around the Hospital at Christmas

Further to our weekly music programme that runs throughout the year, during the festive period we pull out all the stops.

Over the month of December in 2011 the hospital played host to 14 musical acts from around Yorkshire. There was an eclectic range of performers, from brass bands to solo artists and choirs, including York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir, St Peters Chamber choir and the popular York Group harlequin.

During performances by the Micklegate Singers, Brass Band Generation Groove and the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir we took donations from passing staff and visitors and raised over £300. This money will contribute to the ongoing project to refurbish the Elderly Wards.

Music projects - Participatory Sessions on Ward 37

During November 2011 community Music MA Graduate, Jun Cheng, led a series of participatory music group with patients on our Elderly medical and cognitive impairment ward.

The sessions lasted for an hour and took place once a week for a month. Jun led sing-a-long songs and music driven games encouraging people to interact and engage, even get up and dance when the mood took them.

The course of workshops were hugely popular, and one relative commented, "it's lovely to see everyone getting involved and enjoying themselves."

Music projects - Stroke Rehab and Live Music Now

'Live Music Now' (LMN) is the largest provider of live music to the UK's welfare, educational, justice and health sectors with a unique resource of specially trained musicians. In conjunction with LMN we set up a series of workshops ran by professional harpist Louise Thompson on the Stroke Rehab Unit.

Louise came in once a week for eight weeks and hosted two hour long sessions. During these workshops Louise would play a variety of music, some of which had been requested by patients in previous weeks. The participants also got to try their hand at playing the harp and using a variety of percussion instruments to accompany Louise whilst she played.

For more information about 'Live Music Now' please go to

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