Caring for your Child

Caring for your Child

Your Child's Hospital Journey

Children’s Community Services

We also provide children’s community health services across York and Selby which includes school health, special school nursing, the community children’s nursing team and health visiting services.

School Health

Children and young people can access information about health and wellbeing from their school nurse. They have information on everything from immunisations, sexual health as well as child protection and safeguarding information.

Health Visiting Service

Every child under five-years old (and their parents) has a designated health visitor who can visit them in their home or who they can see at their local clinic, doctor's practice or Children Centre. Health visitors can help provide advice from breastfeeding and feeding questions to details of local children’s groups. For more information about the Health Visiting Service click here.

Community Nursing Team (Children)

This team provides nursing to children and young people aged 0-18 years old with long term conditions, including learning disabilities, physical disabilities, sensory impairment, complex conditions and palliative care. For more information about the Community Nursing Team click here.